Friday, March 25, 2011

Pre-Op Visit to Same Day Surgery and Anesthesia

Today's visit consisted of taking weight/height measurements and checking out her heart.  They also took a glance at her throat because of the continual cough and runny nose.  All looked good.

I am taking her back Monday morning for a blood draw to type her because of the transfusions she had with her anemia.  They said sometimes that can change her blood type ever so slightly and they want to make sure they have additional blood on hand if needed.

They will give her a knock out drug in her room and then intubate her when they get her in the OR.  They will then place an epidural  for pain management before starting surgery to help after surgery.  She is estimated to be in the hospital up to six days after that.


  1. Our Little Missy-Miss, Danica Grace Boni,is truly a picture-perfect ANGEL..Love, Hugs, & Kisses to a very courtaeous little girl..Aunt Jackie..

  2. Dear Dani~
    I so adore you in this darling picture. You are so precious to everyone who knows you. Dani, you will be in my heart and prayers during your operation. GOD BLESS....see you soon.

    Hugs, Carolyn

  3. Hey pretty princess - You are such a strong and brave girl. Megan and Jack send lots of hugs and kisses to their favorite little cousin. Hurry up and get better so you can come over and swim in our pool this summer. We love you!! Aunt Janet and Uncle D and Megan & Jack.
