Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hip Surgery Day

We had to be at the hospital at 5:45.  She went into surgery at 7:15. There was a little confusion on whether they were going to do an epidural or not. They said it would take an hour to get her all hooked up and they would call every 1 - 1 1/2 hours with updates. I am still waiting on the first one. - 8:15 am

They started the procedure at 8:45 and they did get the epidural in. - 9;00 am

They called for permission to use a bone graft.  That is going to be used at least on one side to help recostruct her hip socket - 11:00 am

They started on the other side thirty minutes ago. They said she is still doing good. - 12:00pm

Thanks to the Boni Aunts and Uncle and The Downey for the Dr. Bear and balloons - 12:30pm

They're starting on her cast now - 1:30pm

She is in recovery and the doctor said he was very pleased with the operation. - 2:37pm

We are in 10W Room 20.  Dani is groggy and they are taping up the edges to prevent it from getting wet.  She has been able to have ice water but she is demanding milk! - ph# 314 454 2324 straight to the room 5:04pm


  1. Way to go Dani girl!! Hope you enjoy your doctor bear. He's got a big hug for you from us!! Loves, hugs, prayers and kisses for you!! Love, Aunt Janet, Uncle D, Megan and Jack

  2. Danica, Ms Betsy, Ms Beth, Ms. Sue and all and all of your school friends have been thinking good thoughts about you all day! we miss you already!
