Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 3 - Hospital (Hip Surgery)

I really don't enjoy all the machines and their beeping continually off and on all night long. She did pretty good last night. She woke up for a bit awhile ago and I asked if she wanted anything and she said to go back to sleep. - 6:30 am

I keep trying to upload pictures but my phone does not like this room. 

The orthopedic nurse Amy and the anesthesia team have been in this morning.  Dani's temp is 100.9 and she looks a bit pale so they are checking her blood draw from last night and we possibly could have to do another one this morning.  Her epidural will come out today and also her catheter.  They are going to start her on two oral pain medications.  I will fill in the names when I get them.  She is acting find and wanted cheese bread (grilled cheese) so I ordered it and hopefully we can get something substantial in her stomach.  She had a cherry popsicle, chocolate milk, and a few animal crackers yesterday.   Just so I get as much information on here as possible last night her heart rate got as high as 164 and this morning it is still in the mid 150s - 8:45 am

Missy Miss is going to be receiving blood shortly and she did eat 1/4 of quite a big hot dog. She just received her second dose of pain medicine. - 2:15 pm

Her blood transfusion is done and the majority of her meds for a bit also.  She asked for sausage pizza and hopefully she eats it. - 6:45 pm  This is a video of Dani singing this evening after eating a chocolate chip cookie.  She only ate a small slice of the pizza because it was too spicy but that is still an achievement. - 9:38pm

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 2 - Hospital Visit

They are rolliing her from side to side every two hours and she just got sick again so we had to change bed pads. She slept for quite awhile though. - 1:15 am

Around 2:45 am I woke up to Dani saying "Kelli, Kelli, Kelli,  Wake up it is morning. "  lol luckily she went back to sleep.  She was up and crying that she wanted the cast off and her belly hurt.  The nurse gave her more anti-naseous medicine and I turned on a Strawberry Shortcake movie and gave her some ice water and that seemed to help. - 5:30 am

Also it is my baby's 14th birthday ... Happy Birthday Gabe!

Dani and I just woke up from a nap (2:45pm).  She seems in good spirits but wants to go home (without) the cast.  They had us lift her out of bed and put in her in a wheelchair to make sure we knew how to do it.  That should be interesting.  I am not sure the Grandma's are going to be able to handle that.  She is really heavy although it will help when she does not have on the tubes and wires to mess with also.  She still complains about her belly hurting but we think that is a combo of her meds and her not having anything to eat for a day and a half.  She did have a couple of Peeps before her nap and kept those down.  They are going to give her Zofran every six hours to help. 

My nephew Steven came by to visit for a little bit.  He had a doctors appt at the hospital next store.  Jason is here now.  I believe both Grandma's are coming later and Aunt Jackie.

Missy Miss has a temperture of 101.2 so her heart rate is on the high side.  She just took her heart medicine and some tylenol. - 7:45pm

Hip Surgery Day

We had to be at the hospital at 5:45.  She went into surgery at 7:15. There was a little confusion on whether they were going to do an epidural or not. They said it would take an hour to get her all hooked up and they would call every 1 - 1 1/2 hours with updates. I am still waiting on the first one. - 8:15 am

They started the procedure at 8:45 and they did get the epidural in. - 9;00 am

They called for permission to use a bone graft.  That is going to be used at least on one side to help recostruct her hip socket - 11:00 am

They started on the other side thirty minutes ago. They said she is still doing good. - 12:00pm

Thanks to the Boni Aunts and Uncle and The Downey for the Dr. Bear and balloons - 12:30pm

They're starting on her cast now - 1:30pm

She is in recovery and the doctor said he was very pleased with the operation. - 2:37pm

We are in 10W Room 20.  Dani is groggy and they are taping up the edges to prevent it from getting wet.  She has been able to have ice water but she is demanding milk! - ph# 314 454 2324 straight to the room 5:04pm

Monday, March 28, 2011

We are going to be at the hospital at 5:45 tomorrow morning.  I am still packing!  I actually got quite a few things accomplished today.  Gabe has his new glasses and Grandma Boni found peasant skirts for Missy Miss to wear over her cast.  I had to leave my work laptop at work because they knew I would be checking emails and such and I DO need to focus on Dani during this time. 

Here is Missy Miss enjoying her new DS1 that Grandma Boni and Grandma Dunn got for her.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pre-Op Visit to Same Day Surgery and Anesthesia

Today's visit consisted of taking weight/height measurements and checking out her heart.  They also took a glance at her throat because of the continual cough and runny nose.  All looked good.

I am taking her back Monday morning for a blood draw to type her because of the transfusions she had with her anemia.  They said sometimes that can change her blood type ever so slightly and they want to make sure they have additional blood on hand if needed.

They will give her a knock out drug in her room and then intubate her when they get her in the OR.  They will then place an epidural  for pain management before starting surgery to help after surgery.  She is estimated to be in the hospital up to six days after that.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our Next Journey

Missy Miss was born with Hip Dysplasia.  We knew we would have to do something about it at some point.  She has been in both daycare and preschool.  At preschool she receives multiple services and one is physical therapy.  The physical therapist and her teacher became concerned last fall because Dani said it hurt both to sit crosslegged and to sit in a regular seat with her legs dangling so they gave her a special seat lower to the ground.  Also at the time she was waking up in the middle of the night complaining either about her legs hurting or just being in pain.  So we started the process of finding out what we needed to do about her hips. 

She will start kindergarten next fall.  We wanted to get it done so she could still enjoy summer. 

So we have had numerous appointments with cardiology, orthopedics (3x), HemOnc for another infusion, This Friday March 25th we have a PreOp with Same Day Surgery for Anesthesia and more.  Her surgery will be on the 29th.  She will be under for an estimated five hours.  They are reconstructing her hip sockets and then straightening her legs but cutting them in two sections.  She will be put into a Spica Cast and be in it for five weeks and then put in a brace (which I have a picture of) for six weeks.  Fortunately they said she can go to school with the brace on and daycare is willing to work with it. 

The procedures name is Pemberton Osteotomy if anyone would like to look it up.  Jason and I will be updating as we continue this new journey.