Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Orthopedic's Appt 08/29/2012 -  The pictures above are a combination of MPS Awareness Day 2012, Dani wearing her glasses,  and first day of school

After a week and a half at school Dani managed to lose her glasses.  I had asked the teacher to keep them in her cubie in the classroom so she could just use them when either reading or seeing the white board.  The teacher let her wear them to the bathroom and "majically" they did not return.  Well we tried AGAIN.

Her orthopedic appt went somewhat like I was thinking it would.  Dani has knock knees and will need to have something done within the next couple of years because as she gets bigger they will have more weight applied and get worse.  We are holding off on that for now.  She also has tight heelcords.  They wrote a Rx for PT twice a week for six weeks and then we have the option of having her wear splints at night or put permaneant cast on for awhile to stretch the tendons.  We are still talking about what we need to do.  They said that all of that would just help prolong needing surgery to elongate her tendons. 

I am working with school to get her IEP reestablished to possibly get PT through the school district but they have changed since her initial one and we have to prove educational vs medical.  So even though she can not see the white board, nor hear well out of one ear, and is stiff when getting up off the floor that does not quailfy because she is awesome and smart and keeping up with her class.  We will be seeing about that.

Funny Note:  We were there for 3 hours and to help pass the time Dani and I were painting our nails.  The doctor came in and was in shock.  He obviously does not know how princesses can be.  Then when he was showing us the second round of X-Rays all Dani could concentrate on was that they had a picture of her butt.  I think she mentioned it five times while we were discussing stuff.

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